
we have put forth a commitment to carbon neutrality by 2030 via reduction of CO2 emissions, along with other preventative measures to combat global warming.

First steps towards achieving SDGs

Sustainable Development Goal

The introduction of solar panels at Fukui Byora’s facilities is a large step towards our vision of meeting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and is a strong supporting factor in our policy of environment-friendly craftsmanship.

In order to meet our goal of becoming a carbon neutral company by the year 2030, Fukui Byora Group will continue to proactively develop increasingly effective methods of sustainability.

Solar panels installed on the roof

of Hosorogi Office 1

Capacity of installed panels
822kW(Number of panels:2418)
PCS(*) capacity
*PCS = PCS(Power Conditioning Subsystem
Yearly reduction in CO2 emission
422t / year

- Numerical value was calculated using a CO2 emission coefficient of 498g-CO2/kWh

- Assuming a base of 847,000 kWh (amount generated in the initial year)

Solar panels installed on the roof

of Hosorogi Offices 8 and 9

Capacity of installed panels
1,057kW(Number of panels:2,818)
PCS(*) capacity
*PCS = PCS(Power Conditioning Subsystem
Yearly reduction in CO2 emission
500t / year
- Numerical value was calculated using a CO2 emission coefficient of 498g-CO2/kWh

- Assuming a base of 930,000 kWh (amount generated in the initial year)

Solar panels installed on the roof of

Kaga Factory

Capacity of installed panels
581kW(Number of panels:1548)
PCS(*) capacity
*PCS = PCS(Power Conditioning Subsystem
Yearly reduction in CO2 emission
297t / year
- Numerical value was calculated using a CO2 emission coefficient of 498g-CO2/kWh

- Assuming a base of 597,300 kWh (amount generated in the initial year)

PCS apparatus

PCS apparatus

Graph of energy generation conditions
from solar rays  

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