
Privacy Policy

Within the Meaning of the Basic Data Protection Ordinance (GDPR).

Fukui Byora Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “the Company”) is a controller defined in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). The Company complies with the obligations required of a data controller under GDPR and processes personal data collected by it in an appropriate and strict manner, pursuant to the following policies.

For the purpose of this privacy policy, the “Fukui Byora Group” means the companies listed at the following link.
Branch Over View

1. Categories of personal data

The Company may collect personal data in the following categories for the purposes specified in this privacy policy.

(1)    Personal data of clients (name, e-mail address, telephone number, place of work, job position, organization, and the like)
(2)    Personal data of job applicants (name, contact information, school/university, address, age, nationality, academic background, career history, and the like)
(3)    Location data
(4)    Access history on the Company's website
(5)    Online identifiers (IP addresses and cookie identifiers)

2. Purposes of processing of personal data and legal basis for the processing

(1)    The Company processes personal data for the purposes listed below.
All the processing purposes are legally based on GDPR Article 6, paragraph 1, point (a) (consent), point (b) (necessity for the performance of a contract), point (c) (compliance with a legal obligation), and point (f) (legitimate interest pursued by the controller).

(i) Personal data of clients and customers
- To respond to inquiries or questions;
- To invite to events, exhibitions, etc.;
- To issue notice of information concerning the Company’s products and services, etc., and the promotion and advertising thereof;
- To dispatch the Company’s products and provide after-sales service for these products;
- To perform analyses and planning, and to generate statistical information, for the purpose of the Company’s sales activities;
- To communicate with or respond to clients (including prospective corporate clients; the same applies hereinafter) in the course of business, and to provide related administrative services;
- To create data through de-identification of personal data;
- To manage credit information on clients and customers;
- To exercise rights and fulfill obligations between clients or customers and the Company under laws, contracts and agreements; and
- To manage clients and customers associated with the aforementioned purposes.
(ii) Personal data of job/internship applicants
- To provide information and notices, such as information on the Company, results of the screening process;
- To conduct recruitment activities, such as hiring and screening; and
- To perform the management of job/internship applicants and prospective employees associated with the aforementioned purposes.
(iii) Others
- To issue notices to specific individuals;
- To confirm identities of specific individuals;
- To respond to inquiries, complaints and claims in connection with business operations; and
- To provide services available on the Company's website;
- To improve the operation, quality and effectiveness of the Company's website; and
- To conduct business associated with the aforementioned purposes.

(2)    If the Company intends to process personal data for purposes other than the purposes stated in article 2.(1) above, the Company will provide you with an advance notice on the new processing purposes and other matters required under laws, as appropriate.

(3)    If you provide your personal data to the Company, it will be deemed that you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data by the Company.
Before you provide your personal data to the Company, please refer to this privacy policy in advance.
The Company will process your personal data based on your consent; however, you may withdraw your consent at any time.

(4)    The Company will retain your personal data the Company has collected, as far as it is necessary for the processing purposes. If it is no longer necessary to retain your personal data, the Company will promptly delete or destroy your personal data in an appropriate manner.

3. Cookies

A web cookie is a small piece of data stored on the user's computer by the web browser while browsing a website. It can identify use's device, typically its web browser, but it can not identify any specific individuals and can not infringe upon use's privacy.

Some web cookies are necessary for you to comfortably use and browse the Company's website as they maintain sessions and record your activities on the website, while other web cookies gather analytical data to improve performance and enable the Company or AdTech partners to deliver personalized advertisements by tracking you across the internet.

You can choose whether to allow the Company or third parties (analytics or AdTech partners) to set web cookies which are not strictly necessary for the functioning of the website via the cookie banner and cookie settings provided on the Company's website.
You may also disable the cookie function in your browser settings.

4. Use of Google services on our website

(1) About the Use of Google Analytics

(i)    The website of Fukui Byora Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, "the Company")("Websites") uses Google Analytics, which is a service provided by Google LLC, with the purpose of understanding and analyzing the status of use by visitors.

(ii)    Based on cookies issued by the Company, Google Analytics collects, records and analyzes the browsing histories of visitors to the Websites, and the Company receives the results of the analysis from Google LLC (such as Google Analytic reports on user attributes and interest categories) to understand the status of visits to the Websites.

(iii)    The information to be collected, recorded and analyzed by Google Analytics does not contain any information that can be used to identify specific individuals.
The information is subject to management by Google LLC in accordance with its privacy policy.
For an explanation of the privacy policy of Google LLC, please refer to its website.
Google privacy policy (external link)

(IV)    Google Analytics can be deactivated by downloading the “Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on” from the download page for opt-out browser add-ons provided by Google LLC, installing the downloaded add-on, and changing the add-on settings of the browser. When a visitor chooses to deactivate Google Analytics, Google Analytics is deactivated not only for the Websites, but also for any websites visited by the visitor. By resetting the add-on in the browser, Google Analytics can be activated again.
Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on (external link)

(V)    The Google Analytics terms of service and Google Analytics additional terms of service for the opt-out browser add-on will apply to any damage caused by the services of Google Analytics and Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, and the Company has no liability whatsoever for such damage except when the damage is attributable to the Websites. This privacy policy applies only to the Websites, and the Company has no liability whatsoever with respect to the protection of personal information on other external websites linked from the Websites.

2. About the Use of Google Ads

(1)    The Websites/Web services of the Company may use Google Ads to provide advertisements and information that are considered useful to the visitors to the Websites.
The Company collects cookie data from service users. However, it is not possible to identify specific individuals from cookie data.
If the visitors wish to suspend these advertising-related functions, please follow the following step:

(2)    Access the following page and turn off ad customization.

5. Disclosure and transfer to a third party

Except for the processing purposes specified in Article 2 above, the Company will not disclose or transfer the collected personal data to third parties, such as Fukui Byora Group and outsourcing contractors.
Third parties to which the Company discloses or transfers personal data include those located in countries and regions outside the EU (including but not limited to Japan, the United States and Thailand).
By giving your consent to this privacy policy, you will be deemed to have agreed to the followings.

The Company also complies with Japanese laws (Act on the Protection of Personal Information). 
This means that the Company does not provide or transfer the collected personal data to third parties, except for the joint use of personal data within Fukui Byora Group and the outsourcing of personal data processing to third party contractors. 
Furthermore, in accordance with laws and regulations, the joint use and outsourcing of personal data processing to contractors are under the necessary and appropriate management and supervision by the Company.

6. Security management for personal data

In the processing of personal data, the Company will conduct appropriate data management, endeavor to prevent unauthorized external access, loss, corruption, falsification, leakage and other risks to personal data, and take appropriate and reasonable security measures. 
If an accident should occur, the Company will take corrective measures promptly.

7. Storage of personal data

The Company will store personal data in a way that ensures appropriate security. 
The Company will store personal data only for the period necessary to achieve its purposes of use specified in this privacy policy and will delete or destroy it promptly when it becomes no longer needed. 
A specific storage period is to be determined in consideration of the purposes of collection and processing of personal data, the nature of the personal data, and the necessity of storage of personal data under law or for business purposes.

8. Rights of a data subject

Those who provided personal data to the Company can request access, rectification, restriction of processing, and data portability of personal data processed by the Company.

1.    With respect to personal data processed by the Company, a data subject has the following rights:

- Right to access (demand of disclosure of purposes, type, to whom it is provided, storage period, from where it is collected, and the like);
- Right to rectification or erasure;
- Right to restriction of processing;
- Right to objection to processing;
- Right to data portability (its transfer or copy) so that it can be used for a service other than that of the Company; and
- Right to withdrawal of consent at any time.

2.     For the procedure for exercising these rights concerning the personal data, please refer to article 9 (Inquiries).
3.     If you have an objection against the processing of personal data by the Company, you may at any time file an objection with the competent agency having jurisdiction over data protection.

9. Change of this privacy policy

In accordance with changes in laws, regulations or related guidelines, the Company will change this privacy policy on an as-needed basis to ensure the appropriate processing of personal data.

10. Inquiries

Please feel free to contact the compnay via the Inquiry Form below if you have any questions, inquiries or claims regarding this privacy policy, the processing of personal data by the Company or your rights (right to access, right to rectification or erasure, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability or right to withdrawal of consent).    
Inquiry Form

11. Information on the controller

Company Name: Fukui Byora Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-7 Yamajuraku, Awara-city, Fukui 919-0898, Japan
Phone Number: +81-776-73-1000